Tuesday, July 22, 2008


Wow... its been sometime since I've added something here. I've been busy with my business. The fear that many have about the current US economy has me working hard to keep my current clients (and thus my two employed minions) and working harder to drum up new work.

Watching the current melt down it astounds me how perception is not draw from reality but drives reality all by its self. Investors "think" something "might" be wrong and react on this perception which in turn creates the reality. This not only works on the macro scale like the economy but on the micro scale of personal relationships. One thinks that something is wrong in a relationship with another. They think the other has done something. They have no proof, just a feeling.. but change their actions and interactions based on this perception. This of course makes the other think and change actions as well.. and the flat spin starts with the inevitable CRASH!!! at the bottom.

Whats furhter weird is this dynamic of perception molding reality only works in the downward/negative direction. It NEVER flows back, or at least doesn't seem so to me.

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