Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Are we there yet?

Really...... is the election over yet?

Are we done arguing which way the water should spin as we flush this country and the things it stood for down the drain? By all means, be excited and get your lazy Red or Blue asses out and vote but please... I'm begging here... pleeeeeeze SHUT THE FUCK UP AND QUIT ARGUING WHICH SIDE IS BETTER!!!!!!

They are flip sides of the the same rotting cow PIE, They are
A Socialist vs A Fascist
Stalin vs. Hitler!!!


Everyone get your ass out and vote! Quit fucking talking... yeah... you... you in the corner with the Barack McCain/John Obama button on waving your lil flag... that means you too fucktard!

Lets get this all over with then release the virus and let the Zombies come!!! I got my crowbar and shotgun so I'm all set.

Besides... zombies eat brains so they will soon starve to fucking death in this fucking country.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Speed... Liberates?

Took a long ride on the bike Saturday... It was a beautiful October day, almost 80 degrees, crystal clear skies, the road side green with a sprinkle of flowers from the rains a earlier in the week. The southwest desert at its most beautiful. I took old 66 out east of town. then turning south for a nice long stretch of open road. Just taking my time and enjoying the day.

Somewhere about 2 hours into the jaunt the world intruded. My mind started spinning over work issues of the last few weeks, over things going on with what passes for my family, just the general BS of life got a hold of my braincell and just wouldn't let go. Needless to say this was really f-ing with my mood.

I stopped to top of the tank on my bright yellow scoot then sat for a bit looking at my map trying to decide which way to run home. I was decidedly grumpy at this point so I found the most direct route.

As soon as I was back on the road with the lil town behind me all the ugly thoughts I was having returned with a vengeance. So I started to roll on more and more throttle, building speed fast, the scream of the lil triple loud even in the helmet. I crossed 80... and my mind was still wandering... then 100 went by and my mind started to focus.. started to push things back in their little boxes. I hugged the lil scoot and rolled on more.. making the world around me disappear as I tried to outrun the crap in my head.

At one point I came up FAST on a car and flicked around it, then another. I looked down and saw 132 go past as the road stretched out before me, clear except for some oncoming dots in the other lane. It was at this point I realized that a gust of wind, a bad spot in the road or, if I wished to take control, a small press on the left grip could send me head on into the tractor/trailer rig the oncoming dot had suddenly become. It was at this point that fate or my own will could free me from myself. It was at this point I realized I was calm again.

It was a good day.

Friday, October 17, 2008

When did it all change?

Opportunity and success... two things that are tied closely together. The latter is impossible without the former, however, the former does not guarantee the latter. At least this is how I see things, how I have been taught buy history, life, and others. These are too interrelating concepts that are, or were, key ideas in the grand experiment called the USA.

Recent conversations... well to be honest arguments... tell me this has all changed. At least the relationship of the two concepts seems to have changed. And i didn't get the damn memo!! *shakes her fist in anger*

The first convo was with a business associate who looks down at me for my lack of advanced degrees, my lack of junk dangling between my legs, for my common (read honest) way I deal with others o the team, not to mention the color of my skin. He hides all this behind his concern and outrage at the social injustice that has so obviously kept me and others from being a success (having a 20year+ career, respect from peers in the same game, and owning my own small business is not successful enough to count I guess).

The second convo was with a person I grew up with. A person bemoaning the she is an alcoholic fucktard that is a leach on society (ok thoes are my words, she had a different description for her for the state of her life). A person that is angry at the she was not "allowed" to make more of herself, angry that I have been soooo lucky to have been given all that I have. She seems to forget that we went to the same schools, lived in the same hood, that she was given the scholarships that I was denied oh so many years ago

The two themes both the conversations shared, the basic logic both people seems to be following was that opportunity leads to success and that lack of success is indisputable proof that opportunity was DENIED! That SOMEONE took it away.

So all you fucktards out there who whine daily that you are not all you can be, rejoice!!! Its not your fault! Someone has denied you your place in the sun, someone has stolen the bread of opportunity from your very lips. How do I KNOW this? You are a fucktard without a Benz and 42 plasma TVs. This could not happen in a just and fair world so it is OBVIOUS that you have been denied opportunity!

As the obvious failure that I am, I feel so much better that I understand this new paradigm.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

A Pet Returns

Yay!! My Minx showed up in SL last eve! I'm sooooo relieved to know now that she is all right. We sat and had a good talk, mocked a goob or two and generally caught up on things as she apologized for being gone over other word or so. *chuckles*

She seemed generally suprised I wasn't mad at her... that I didn't hate her for being MIA for so long. Maybe by some rules I should but... well.. that is just not my way.

First off I understand the stresses of RL all to well. I've always said to my Pets that RL comes first and foremost. I understand the life can, and does, draw one away as it tries to consume you. I understand the desire to close up one's own shell as one battles life, to hide from all around you, to hide from the very things that can give one strength. I've done it often enough myself over the year so yes... I understand this all to well.

Second off, even if it does not appear from the outside, I do take the D/s aspect of things very seriously. I do not lighly put aside a toy I've taken to hand. One that I have marked as my own. I value you them to high to be cavalier about it all.

Lastly, I just don't get caught up in what ifs, and might have beens. I don't go looking for things to be sad or mad about either. I enjoy moments as they come for all to often life comes and takes em away. I enjoy people (well thoes few I hold close all others can piss off) for who they are and the smiles that they bring me. Not what they could have done or times that might have been. Again, I just enjoy what I can when I can and hold the memory for what it is. To do more is just asking for uneeded distress WHEN (not if) life gets in the way.

Bottom line is that I'm simply glad to have the Minx back around for as long life allows. I will enjoy the moments as they come bank the laughs until the time life comes and gets in the way again.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Sub Courting?

I find it interesting how some "submissives" in SL want to be asked, politely, to submit. How they want to be courted. To be placed on a pedestal even. I've seemed to have confused many in SL 'cause I don't ask.. "Please wear my collar.. pretty please... with whip cream and shackles on top?"

I understand that D/s is a realationship just like any other so this byplay, this pursuit, this courship is part of it all but asking someone to "submit" just doesn't make much sense to what passes for my caffine overloaded braincell.

It may all be odd to me for the simple fact I don't need, or even want to, go find someone to be dominant over. Just like I don't feel the need, or the desire, to go find some one to have a relationship with. I am a loner thru and thru. I don't have much use for people in general usually. Sex, bent or vanilla, SL or RL, is easy to come by, easy to take what I want of the moment, so what would I want with the extra hassle and bagage? Why would one such as me pursue anyone? Why would one such as me give up even a little up of power?

There are a very select few wear my collar or have asked for my protection. These few are very close friends first and foremost People I care for in my own weird way and would do so regardless of the extra D/s aspect of our connection. But in all have asked, begged even, for their place at MY feet Not the other way around. And no matter how soft my feelings for these wonderful people may be, that is EXACTLY how it should be.

Then again... Mebe its me that doesn't understand the 'rules'. Not that I care to. *shrugs*

Monday, October 13, 2008

Random thought..

Nothing special to say this eve. Chilln' at the moment listing to some live blues in SL. A great artist called in SL Tone Uriza. Such an amazing voice and a wonderful bluesman. Once of the many things and people that make SL such a draw for me. With out SL I would have never come across this person or his music. If you are ever bobing about SL and are looking for something to do or listen to, look this boi up you will not be disapointed

Monday, September 29, 2008

Catching Up... Part II

What else has been happing... I bought a motorcycle. a 2007 bright freaking yellow Triumph Daytona. A stupid fast sport bike that is a blast to ride. Its nice to be back on a bike again after so many years away. A great aspect of riding is that when I get on the bike, it forces me to put all mundane thoughts away and concentrate on the ride. In a car you have time to mull all the bullshit that piles up in a day. On a bike I find I just can't do this. Its amazing just how fast "bad things" begin to develop when you are just the slighest bit distracted. So I force my self to stop the useless thinking and concentrate on the bike. Its almost a zen state in a way during even a short ride. Just the bike.. me.. and the world about. All the other buzzing thoughts are forced in a lil box to be opened later.. with a nice cold 'tini in hand.