Tuesday, July 22, 2008

I got a new cell phone..

I broke my cell this weekend. Not intentionally this time but a real accident. It fell out of my jacket pocket. if I mention I was riding a motorcycle at the time?

Anyway I go the to cell phone kiosk to get a new one. I can see the sales boi's eye light up as he started pitching phones that have a 3.0 bazillon pixel camera, 3G Internet access, that play music when ever you fart.. that will stand up to sing and dance as they get you coffee! The poor boi was getting positivly excited as he talked about all these "must have" features!. I was afraid someone was going to have to get a towel and help clean up his... mess.

So just before he climaxed (he was rubbing a pretty touch screen frantically and panting) I interrupted him...

"Stop.. here is what I need in a phone...

1. I need it to ring we someone calls me... ring, not play music, simply ring

2. I need to be able to CLEARLY hear the person that has called me.

3. I need to have the person that called me hear my voice CLEARLY

4. I need to do 2 and 3 while my hands and fingers are pounding a keyboard

5. I need to do 2 and 3 while driving a car, keeping my hands on the wheel and shifter at all times.

that is it. end of requirements... "

At this point he studdered "but.. but.. but... " then this sad crestfallen look comes across his face. It was prolly the look he has when his GF stops the hummer to send a text message to her other BF. Needless to say I smiled sweetly and then laughed at him.

End of the story is I have a snazzy new cell phone with more features then I will every use but it was the only one that met all five of my, what I thought were, simple requirement. All this left me asking the question.. When did something as annoying as a phone become a toy?"

Missing da Minx

Along with my rants and random thoughts I find my self a bit blue. I realized the other day that it has been three months.. count em... three... since I last saw my Minxy in SL. I miss the lovely nutter. I miss her bad jokes and puns, I miss her quiet strength when she took her place at my feet. I miss her. We had just started down a path... *sighs* I simply hope she is well and happy and that in some way she knows that she still has a place should she return.

Energy "crisis"

Yep another post... I gots lots of random thoughts to catch up on!

I've been following the debates on the "energy crisis" here in the US. Watching people running up and down the streent screaming "the sky is falling!!!" Everyone on is asking for solutions. Many are offering them up but WE keep tossing them aside because they will take to long, or don't fit our nice lil view of how things "should" be. WE waste time looking for someone to blame for it all.. someone WE can punish for OUR own short comings.

GET OVER IT PEOPLE!!!!!!! You want someone to blame, look in the fucking mirror. The current situation is OUR fault. Got that? Good.. now can we move on to doing something about it?

What can we do you ask? First off, WE need to wake up and pull OUR collective head out of OUR collective ass then realize that there IS NO PERFECT SOLUTION! Say it with me... THERE IS NO PERFECT SOLUTION!!!!! Has that sunk in? Goooooood... now then to ask the question what can be done?

To this my answer is EVERYTHING.. We need to drill for more oil, change our habits and conserve more, invest in Wind/Solar/PigShit Methane/etc (both federally and individually), build more nuke plants, rethinks the regulations that hold us back, do anything and everything people can think of. And do it all now. Of couse much of this stuff is not going to pay off for 5, 10, or 20 years from now and there will be pain between now and then but get over it. Growth and change means PAIN!!!!! Let's grow up, bite down, and get it done!


Wow... its been sometime since I've added something here. I've been busy with my business. The fear that many have about the current US economy has me working hard to keep my current clients (and thus my two employed minions) and working harder to drum up new work.

Watching the current melt down it astounds me how perception is not draw from reality but drives reality all by its self. Investors "think" something "might" be wrong and react on this perception which in turn creates the reality. This not only works on the macro scale like the economy but on the micro scale of personal relationships. One thinks that something is wrong in a relationship with another. They think the other has done something. They have no proof, just a feeling.. but change their actions and interactions based on this perception. This of course makes the other think and change actions as well.. and the flat spin starts with the inevitable CRASH!!! at the bottom.

Whats furhter weird is this dynamic of perception molding reality only works in the downward/negative direction. It NEVER flows back, or at least doesn't seem so to me.