Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Energy "crisis"

Yep another post... I gots lots of random thoughts to catch up on!

I've been following the debates on the "energy crisis" here in the US. Watching people running up and down the streent screaming "the sky is falling!!!" Everyone on is asking for solutions. Many are offering them up but WE keep tossing them aside because they will take to long, or don't fit our nice lil view of how things "should" be. WE waste time looking for someone to blame for it all.. someone WE can punish for OUR own short comings.

GET OVER IT PEOPLE!!!!!!! You want someone to blame, look in the fucking mirror. The current situation is OUR fault. Got that? Good.. now can we move on to doing something about it?

What can we do you ask? First off, WE need to wake up and pull OUR collective head out of OUR collective ass then realize that there IS NO PERFECT SOLUTION! Say it with me... THERE IS NO PERFECT SOLUTION!!!!! Has that sunk in? Goooooood... now then to ask the question what can be done?

To this my answer is EVERYTHING.. We need to drill for more oil, change our habits and conserve more, invest in Wind/Solar/PigShit Methane/etc (both federally and individually), build more nuke plants, rethinks the regulations that hold us back, do anything and everything people can think of. And do it all now. Of couse much of this stuff is not going to pay off for 5, 10, or 20 years from now and there will be pain between now and then but get over it. Growth and change means PAIN!!!!! Let's grow up, bite down, and get it done!

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