Friday, April 11, 2008

How to buy power...

Nearly $351,000,000 million dollars have been spent by the big three trying to win the personal power and prestige of the Oval Office. Yes that is 351 MILLION dollars. Yes that is nearly 1/2 BILLION dollars. all spend through the end of February. See the numbers here from This is just insane amounts of money. Think of all the good things that could be done with that type of cash flow. All the good things that these critters running say they want to do with our tax dollars. I think there are entire federal agencies that operate on a budget of less then that. Hell!!! I'm sure there are entire countries that operate on a GDP less then that!!! For fucks sakes, if these people really wanted to do good things for this country why do they want to run for Pres? Why not use this ability to raise this kind of capital actually DOING something. Because its all about the personal power, the perks and the prestige. For those things these critters will plead with us with well crafted word on their lips and a hit of a tear in their eye because the CARE sooooo much. All the while holding out their hat and racing to place the highest bid. Yes, that is American politics for you, just like buying trash on EBay. Yes WE THE PEOPLE are buying trash... and have been for many years now.

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