Thursday, April 3, 2008

Alpha moms and SUVs

Life and business continues to be busy. I've been working a gig on-site about 65 miles north of my apartment. So a lot of the last few days has been spent driving up to the client site and back every day. During my drive I have taken note of somthing... That there are a hell of a lot of cellphone talking, make-up applying, doublechocohalfcafskinny latte drinking, bratty kids in the back seat smacking, ginormous SUV driving alpha moms running about on the road WITHOUT a FARKING CLUE there are other vehicles around them!! Twice... TWICE... in the past 4 days I have been nearly rubbed into the weeds one of these fine individuals! One, this morning, past me (at OVER 90mph) with a cell phone in one hand and applying her lipstick with the other. Notice, BOTH of this persons hands were full. What the fark was she driving with? Her Knee? At over 90 mph?!?!?!?!?!?! AAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRGHHHHHH!!!!!

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