Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Are we there yet?

Really...... is the election over yet?

Are we done arguing which way the water should spin as we flush this country and the things it stood for down the drain? By all means, be excited and get your lazy Red or Blue asses out and vote but please... I'm begging here... pleeeeeeze SHUT THE FUCK UP AND QUIT ARGUING WHICH SIDE IS BETTER!!!!!!

They are flip sides of the the same rotting cow PIE, They are
A Socialist vs A Fascist
Stalin vs. Hitler!!!


Everyone get your ass out and vote! Quit fucking talking... yeah... you... you in the corner with the Barack McCain/John Obama button on waving your lil flag... that means you too fucktard!

Lets get this all over with then release the virus and let the Zombies come!!! I got my crowbar and shotgun so I'm all set.

Besides... zombies eat brains so they will soon starve to fucking death in this fucking country.


Ramonna Villota said...

Hallo love

Unknown said...

It's a long shot, but is this blog still owned by a human, by any chance? If so I'd really like to talk to you regarding your erstwhile pet, Nina.