Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Spending time with a Pet and thinking

I'm sitting about working on a joint project with my Nina and some recent conversations start bubbling through my mind. By the way I refer to Nina and Minxy and but some items you can see my my "About Me" section one can conclude that I have more then a simple passing interest in BDSM and the lifestyle in general. While not active in RL these more I am very active in the SL world. I takes this very seriously and that connection with Nina and Minxy is very very real. What bubbled to the surface is the the number of people running about wanting to be a sub or slave in SL. Most it seems just for a couple hours of sexual "play" (contrary to their word), like letting your RL lover tie you up for a night to give the sex an edge. Then there are those that seem to have more depth and looking for something more but just offer them selves up to the first person running about with a "Master/Mistress" tag or an interesting profile. So eager that they don't take the time to know the person or develop anything out side the "sexual" side of things. Then they sit back and wonder why they are disillusioned. By rushing in they miss something important. I sometimes feel sorry for these souls... *shrugs*


Ramonna Villota said...

Hello Love:

You write a lot but I like it..

Do you mind if I link your blog?

Ramonna Villota said...

Toooooooo Late I put you on my links

Happy said...

/me smiles and gives you hugs...

Of course you can link!