Friday, March 21, 2008

Sunrise and a Rant

Such a wonderful day so far. Was up before dawn and was able to watch the sun rise over the mountains to start a new day. Sat there, sipping my coffee watching the world go from black, to shades of grey, then to a glorious blaze of color. I said my prayers to the four directions and then turned to the tasks of the day...

I work from home and I hang out on a couple of forums while doing my working. There as been much discussion on politics as once might guess given all that is going one at this time. But comment really hit a hot button with me. One individual made the statement that his was not going to vote as a form of protest....

WHAT THE FUCK?!?!?!?!?!

A person is willing to give up a FUNDAMENTAL RIGHT. A FUNDAMENTAL RIGHT that is the basis of the founding of this farking country!!! THAT mindset is the farking cause of much of the problems we face in the US. The antipathy or the misplaced activism that leads one to WILLING give up a RIGHT. That is what the politicians want above ALL. The want to gather power by taking it away from us or (even better for them) us willingly giving it up. The politician here want to farking RULE not lead. As long as we LET them rule by not exercising our RIGHT to vote WE perpetuate the crap that has become the elected "leadership" of our country.

I don't care WHO people vote for. Red vs. Blue, Right vs. Left. I DON'T FARKING CARE!!!!! GET OFF YOUR ASS AND PARTICIPATE!!!!!


Ramonna Villota said...

Aye love

I had to walk away from several forums cause the politics

Be well love

Ramonna Villota said...

Had to push away from the SS politics forum and now I will push away from the SLU one also. So many asshats so little baseball bats.

Happy said...

*laughs* I'm sooo going to steal that quote ... "So many asshats... So few baseball bats!"