Monday, March 10, 2008

A Vamp's Story - The Start At Least...

I am a vampire. "Ahhh" you say, thinking that you know all there is to know. But the stories of the origins of my kindred are many and varied. Many of my kind feel that they are decedents of Cain and are the flail of God or that we are decedents from a cursed Egyptian queen. Still others feel we are not so ancient but are descended from a 15th century Hungarian noble Vlad Tepes or his overlord Matthius Covinus. What the truth is? who cares! The fact is we are here preying on the humans, the sheep, that surround us. The only thing that is with out question is that EVERYTHING you think you know about us is, while not exactly false, is just not completely true.

It all started on my eve before my wedding. My father was tired of supporting an unwed "old maid" at his hearth so had arranged my betrothal to strengthen an alliance. I did not want this marriage, I wanted no marriage at all! But my words carried no weight with my father, such were the times. So on a night where others brides would be giddy with excitement and anticipation I was crying and preying to God (and others we were no longer supposed to speak of) to stop this wedding in any way. I guess you might as that all that came after is my fault.

Suddenly, the sound of steel on steel rang out brightly as swords began to clash. My fathers voice boomed as he gave a cry of rage and fear. Then thinner sound of my brothers voices echoed along side. And above the din laughter could be heard. Contemptuous, cruel, laughter. All to quickly the sounds of the struggle stopped, the silence broken only by an occasional, shriek from beyond our walls. Then screams arose form the chamber where my younger sister slept! ?Please don't!? I heard my mother beg as I scrambled out of bed and out of my chamber. I ran down the corridor and into my sister's room. There I saw my younger sister in the arms of a monster! A monster possessing a beauty that called to me even though his face was covered in my sister's blood. My mother laid sprawled across the bed, her chemise soaked with her blood clung to the curves of her lush body.

I heard the screaming start again as I tried to back out of the small room. I didn't realize it was I making that horrific sound until I ran into something hard and unyielding. I turned to look into the face of the most beautiful and horrifying creature had ever seen. She smiled coldly, this was the last thing I saw... My prayers had been answered, there would be no wedding on the morn.

Somehow I alone survived and was filled with this burning hunger. The iron smell of the blood in the room filled my senses. I drug myself to where my sister was tossed. Her body a broken bloody lump of flesh. The smell of the blood set fire to this strange hunger I felt. The sight of it, black in the moonlight, called to me. I licked at the pooling blood and it exploded on my tongue and sent tremors through my body like the joy my mother told me to hope for on my wedding night. It was then that I knew I that had turned into.... something.

But what I had become I did not know. My world was filled with the terrible hunger but having no one to guide me I spent many dark years as not much more then an animal. I killed, time and time again as I roamed. I killed to feed my hunger... I killed those who had the gall to persue me.... and I killed for the simple joy of it all. I remember a shepherd boy with ice blue eyes begging me not to hurt his charges just before I broke his neck. I remember the stench of the drunken townsman as I pinned him to the wall in some filthy back alley and tore open his troat. I remember the soft voice of the lass who's screams echoed through the trees of some unnamed forest.

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